Monday, September 22, 2008

When I read my post on my experience in a particular interview, I had suggested people to give rude answers. But I was laughing after reading it. Before making such a kind of suggestion, I should have adviced that we sould see how the interviewer is while answering first few questions. And if we really feel that he is worth of getting rude reply then only start with it. Never start giving rude replies right when you go and sit in front of the person. that’s y I had mentioned that I would come back and add the points to the post as and when I feel.

When I talk to my fellow friends and colleagues, I feel so bad that I’m not really helping them out to plan their investments. Believe me, if anyone of u asks me “what’s harm in paying Tax of some 500 bucks per month? Why bother about investments?” I can give u shocking stats to show how much u guys will b loosing by keeping your “HARD EARNED” money in bank without touching it and being happy to look at the balance increase month by month. Actually why the Govt charges tax is to create a sense of investment awareness in us.

I always remember my dad telling to me and mom that how much he repents for not having invested any thing at the beginning of his career though he was working for insurance company itself. A small fact will put light on importance of investing. If u invest in say a kind of insurance policy which will give u fixed returns of say 3k per year from 3rd year of your investment (for once in a 3 years upto 12 or 15 years etc… depending on term selected), you have made your hard earned money to earn money by itself for you.( ya I kno u wil tel me that the amount in A/c will earn interest. That is nothing but a eye wash. Bank earns some fortune by lending your money on loans to its customers and pays u menial amount. I can say almost nothing). Not only that. At the end of term say 12 years, suppose if you had invested 15k (at beginning), 15-12 = 3k will be retuned to you at the end of term plus a bonus of 10k so totally you got 25k for 15 k. and u r also insured(for your life) for that period. Imagine you have some urgent requirement of money after 12years. suddenly if this amount comes in your place when u least expect it, don’t u get excited at that moment? I know 13k(bonus + 3k) wont carry same value after 12 years as it is now. But if u r in need of some 30k at that moment after 12 years, 13k has come without any effort. Plus you have saved the tax also. This is just one small example. You can plan your investment in such a way that by putting money in a combination of 3 to 4 products you can start earning every year.

But i dont explain this to many of my freinds. Hardly i get chance and time(both mine or theirs) to explain them. And since we came out of College jst a year back, still the sense of responsibility, investment awareness etc are not created yet. People like to enjoy their free time instead of scratching their heads on the maths of investment. In worst case, people drop to level of asking me whether i get any comission for thier investment.

in my case, why i've this sense of investment is because i have grown up looking at people coming to home with meager earnings per month asking dad to suggest some policies which can make them lead an independent and happy life later on. So this was natural to me.

Planning for future is not easy. We have the devil residing inside ourselves which constantly brainwashes us saying why care abt future when we earn so much and have so much of amount lying in Account. Friends, we know how expensive the days have become. If anything serious happens or if we feel sudden need of money for something, your bank balance will be nothing but a joke in front of the situational need. I’m not saying we should’ve zero bank balance. But it shouldn’t be greater than 20k at the max.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

When I faced the interview for one of companies which came to our college ( I don’t want to mention the name of the IT company since I would be giving publicity for that company free of cost in my webpage :-) ) I was repeatedly asked one question by the psycho interviewer (say X). and the question was “why you are changing your field from Mech to IT?”

I tried giving him lots of polite answers though I kept on cursing him within myself since it was none of his business to know about my decisions. But that psycho seemed to be really very obsessed with it. He was not at all satisfied with any answers I gave. Absolute mental torture it was. I would have happily walked out if had let me go. But no, he kept on asking me to give a solid reason.

So friends, all of you who face any kind of interviews, please answer in such a way as to give an impression to the interviewers that you never care whether u get the job or not. Answer in such a way that the job is not the end of road for u, this is not the sole earner of Roti kapda aur makaan for you (though it might be in most of the situations).

What I could’ve told is that, I might be changing the field, but I still will be an engineer only by education. I was fascinated by the automobiles, machines etc stuff and wanted to know the funda behind them and so went and took this field of engg though in my mind I wanted to be a s/w engineer only when I start my career. If u r interested in studying, then age is really not a barrier at all. My relatives who are there in the S/w field always used to say that no tech/language being used in the industry is tuff or hard nut kind of thing which u cant crack. Spend some time strictly on reading abt that tech for an hour an day and u will master it. Moreover most of the stuffs what we read in CS branch wont be required to be applied to work there hence a CS student wont get Head start as we might feel. So I went ahead with my desire to crack two birds at a time and took Mech Brach and kept my target to get into S/w field after my course.

I don’t know whether the above answer sounds too rude or anything. But if it sounds rude also, don’t care. The above might not have been ur actual aim. But the above answer was just an example to tell how to lie the answers as if it was the real answer. Confidence is the key. As we all know( we means those who have 1+ years of exp, since I belong to that category now), confidence is what matters most. Because in this industry u wont know what the situation will be next day in your work. There would be no work for few days in stretch and suddenly some problem comes up in your way when you least expect it. And you should be ready to face it and overcome it. What is required is a dish called “CONFIDENCE” with essential ingredients such as patience, problem solving skills, calmness in mind and not any knowledge of FAFL, compiler design, Networks (Subjects of CS).

The same confidence counts here in Interview also. If you let them create dominance on you by giving you an impression that u r not answering up to the mark, it is pure indication of lack of confidence. Be natural. If he says “no this is not right I guess”, feel free to reply back as “and I think this is absolutely right since I’ve been living with myself i.e my body, my soul, and brain from past 23 years”. Ya it is true you wont get so much of guts to tell it in front of him directly. So better practice such answers in front of mirror so many times that u feel confident.


I will come back to this topic as and when I feel like adding my thoughts on it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I actually wanted to discuss abt this topic on Engineers day. But as I’ve mentioned in the blog on that day, I had to change the topic due to circumstances.

When i look at this world 50-100 years ago and put my brain in the job of thinking and realizing how and where we are now, it gives me both joy and sorrows. And the former being more. Of course in terms of advancement in science and Tech we have achieved a lot. We have all the things at our hands now to aid us in leading a easy life. But all these things which we have created for helping us in leading easy life really friendly and helpful as we really think?

I might list a lot of things here. But for all of them, the root cause remains same- “POPULATION EXPLOSION”. I’ll explain why. Oops… I need not explain rather….

Man started to invent the things as and when he found the need. Bulb was invented to fight darkness, electricity- to help industrialise, vehicles- for mobility etc. Like the famous proverb “Necessity is the mother of all inventions”, man’s day to day needs forced him to invent the things which would help him in doing those jobs. The funniest thing to be noticed here is that as we invent one thing say X we had to invent one more thing say Y to either aid X or to neutralize the ill effect of X. for example when vehicles like Motor car were invented, immediately there was need to lay out roads connencting diiferent places and to lay out roads, materials like Tar and all had to be discovered. The list grows on like this.

And finally we had to invent medicines to counter the ill effect of poisonous gas emission of the vehicle. This is just an example. A most simplest one of all. So my question is are we really happy after inventing so many stuffs to lead a comfortable life?

I can debate on this topic started by myself. But I would jst mention the ill effects here. Will not talk about the other side i.e good effects (if any) of the technological advancement. Of course we are not happy. We are just leading a compromised life. Will u believe me if I say that in pre-independence era, there was hardly 10 bicycles parked in commercial street of B’lore during day time. People used to walk freely on roads. No honking horns, traffic snarls, jams, pollution etc. only walking people all around. What about today? Absolute chaos.

Such a stressfull life we are leading. We have so many means to stay connected with our friends, near and dear ones. But hardly we get time to make a simple call and speak to them. But in those days? People used to walk miles long to reach to their dear ones. We have so many sophisticated super speciality hospitals. But what about the average life of a human being? Coming down day by day. But in those days there were hardly any clinics around. So many colleges have come up, but hardly imparts any quality education. With each and every invention man has complicted his life.

As I go on listing the above symptoms of advancement in technology, I find there is no end for this. It is infinite. But I want to discuss what has to be done now. We are absolutely heading towards destruction without any doubt. Only thing we have to do now is to do our job best as to not to harm anyone in anyway. It is true that we cant always remain in touch with our dear ones like how we used to. But at least make sure that we try to improve on this by trying to call once in two days or so. Mr. Big B has said in his blog that words matter most. So whenever we call up our dear ones lets make sure that we speak good words to make them happy. We live for very few days on this earth. So the goal should be to live a life without any excessive desires to posses material wealth, not to harm anyone, not to be egoistic, not to be jealous of others. Make as many good friends as possible. Or help as much as you can to your friends. lets do whatever job we have without any flaws. Sir M vishweshwaraya has told that “ don’t bother about what work you do. Even if your job is to clean a railway crossing, clean it in such a way that no other railway crossing in this world is as clean as yours!!!!!” .

Lets try to build a society with trust, Love and relationship.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I wish all the engineers of the nation a very Happy engineers day. Today it is the 148th birthday of the renowned engineer of the World Sir. M.V Vishveshwaraiah.

Today when I was having the bath in the morning, I thought of discussing about the topic disadvantage due to the improvement in Science & Tech. But the circumstances in today’s life of mine has made me to change it. Instead I will be discussing about the Love, Relations and friendship.

The main problem I always face while writing is “where to start?”. Its not that I don’t get point to start with, I get too many of them to start in a right direction. But I’ve to start from somehwhere.

Man is symbiotic creature. He cant exist and live life all alone. To share happiness, grief, thoughts, incidents etc he need to have friends, relatives, near and dear ones. In our life we meet so many people. Out of them, some just come and go. Some stay in touch in your life through some or other means. And some people will touch your heart, gain your faith, trust, love and remain in touch forever in life. It is the crystal clear friendship without any impurity in it. Why these people become so close to us is because they strike chord somewhere with us. It might be the similarity in lifestyle, thoughts, kind of thinking etc. or may be the similarity in background, or likings etc. we are ready to help them to our max possible extent. And in turn we get from them any help we need.

In the course of life we might come across some situation which will be a exam/test for such a flawless relationship. The question in that exam is only one and carries full marks. And the question is “Will the people involved in this relationship try to come out of this problem/misunderstanding and able to move forward?”. Its common to have situations where we wil have misunderstandings. Why we have such misunderstandings? Simple reason : “Expectation”. We will take the friends/relatives for granted. It is not something which we do intentionally. It happens without our awareness. We will start assuming that whatever we say/do will not affect the other person. But that is not the case always.(Remember the DCH? Misunderstanding between Aamir and akshaye khanna).

Not only misunderstandings. Sometimes it is the time which plays spoil sport. U might approach your dear ones at wrong moment of time, when he is upset or busy. And instead of trying to understand his/her situation, we feel bad for not having received right kind of response that you used to receive always. The need of hour here is to just let the time pass without thinking anything about the matter. Absorb your mind in some work and forget that such a thing actually happened at all. Because the more deep you think about the thing, the more negative thoughts you get and finally it wil not help anyone of us.

actually i would say that Misunderstandings give us the opportunity to show the Love towards each other. it is good to get them often so as to build a flawless Relaationship.

Compromise is key for long lasting relationship. If you think that there was no fault of yours and he should appologise, it is absolute egoism. Please do come out of it. Because the near and dear ones of you wouldn’t have been so close to you if they were so bad or cruel as you might think. Relationships are hard to build but easy to loose. And the foundation stone for long lasting relationship is “COMPROMISE”.

I got this SMS fwd from my friend jst a few mins ago before I started to scribble this post ( which really pushed me to write this) “ No heart in this world is Crystal clear, because all of them are scribbled by near and dear ones”. So cute. It means everyone is hurt by his/her near and dear ones atleast once in life.!!!
Now for my piece of thought-
“To misunderstand is to show the Love”

Friday, September 12, 2008

I read this Big B’s Blogs regularly. Different people have different opinion about him. I don’t know whether I Like him or not, but I admire him for various reasons.

The day the political outfit raised hue and cry about Jaya bachan’s comment over the Marathi language, Big B has written about how he and his family consider themselves as part of the state and never they have this thing in mind that they’re basically from U.P. He has listed all the facts to support his statement. Like how he, his wife, son and daughter in law are supporting various charities and other things in Maharashtra. Never had he listed the charities or other good deeds he has been carrying out anywhere before!!!

After all when I saw the video footage of this controversial stuff, I really felt that Jaya Bachan has nowhere tried to hurt sentiments of anyone. She just casually spoke something. So mean of the people who try to gain Political advantage out of such petty issues. It is well known fact that these type of hue and cry are raised to jst gain the media attention and create false impression that they are having great concern for their motherland. If u are really so much concerned why not go out and help people who really are in need rather than waste your time in making such nonsense stuff? Well I’m not trying to support Big B here. For that matter, Big B is just a subject here, I’m just blaming the system. Take any political Party or bloody idiot Politician, all have the same modus operandi to gain fame. Idiots. People of no degree and shame.

Big B mentions at the end that, he is listing all these charity work now because people are just trying to take advantage of his silence. That’s really very much true. We should not swallow any comments raised against us. It would’ve been better if he had let the people know about his charity as and when he used to do. That would have reduced the fuel to this protest against him atleast by bit. I know people would have blamed it as publicity stunt if he had tried to get the media attention for every task. But people would make comments on anything that you do in any way, it is just impossible to make sure that nobody raises any fingers at u for anything that u do. This applies to every one of us. Never we should bother about what people will think about us. That would just create turbulence in mind and wont help in anyway. You would be wasting your brain’s energy in thinking this negative aspect rather than using it on any useful stuff.

“Live live for yourself + in your own way = BE YOURSELF”

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This blog post is nothing but the review of the movie “Mumbai Meri Jaan”

I saw this movie last weekend. There is no story as such. Madhavan and Soha ali khan are not any lead actors. The ending is very abrupt. But really worth watching for many reasons.

In this age when the mindless comedy and Love stories are coming out one after another like in a competition, this movie really tries to tingle your emotions. Man, I literally slept while watching movies like Jaane tu.. (absolute shit, or worst than shit. I get such bad words #@$% that my blood starts boiling when I get this thought that I wasted 1 and half hrs of my life in watching that shitty stuff. And more than that I wasted so much of electricity and contributed so much for the green house effect by keeping my system running for downloading the movie.), OSO( please don’t ask me the expansion, I can write lines of bad words about the movie in brackets like this rather than writing the full name of the movie), Bachana ye.. ( Fu*#) well let me not list any more, else I might go beyond the F-word now.

About the movie. The movie will show you the life of different classes of people living in Mumbai. Soha- TV reporter, Madhavan- guy who earns fortune as salary, but very down to earth, chauvinistic about the country, Irfaan khan- a petty tea vendor, etc. The main theme of the movie is Bomb blasts in the Local train that took so many lives and brought the entire Metro to stand still. Man, I was so much in tears to see how the people suffer due to the blast. They’ve even showed how hands,legs and other body parts of humans fly in air at the impact. The people who survived have no reason to be happy as most of them have one or other deformation in their body. Someone’s hand cut, leg, eye, etc….. I was crying inside myself to see the picture of people suffering. None of us might have tried to even think about how the aftermath might have been. It was nothing more than shocking news for us which came like this and went. None of us bothered to think about the cruelty, the injustice, sufferings of affected.

And the movie doesn’t tries to find out who was behind the inhuman act. It just wants to know us about the life in the backdrop of such a tragic incident. The way in which Madhavan gets a kind of Phobia to use the Local train after the incident, the misconception that the one more character in the movie (lets call X) gets about the muslims(that all of them are terrorists). Etc. its absolutely disheartening to see how the incident makes mockery of the very ideal of Madhavan. He gets hammered from everyone for not buying a vehicle of his own (though he can afford 10 cars atleast) and using the train instead, for rejecting the opportunities to go abroad and staying back in this country.

One more main thing the movie brings out is about the TV news channels. How money minded they are. None of their programs are natural ones as we might think. All artificially created sentimental stuff to pull the audience and earn more TRP’s. When the people suffer due to the blast, the news channel guys are busy to decide about creating a byte (that’s how they call program) of most sentimental story like showing the suffering of any most severely affected person…. So mean… I thought of wretching the neck of that bloody rascal…

Well I request each and every one of you to watch the movie at least once, either in theatres or in home.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My friends in software industry, this post is for all of you who are below the level of TL.

We all do the work assigned to us by our supervisor or Lead or whatever. It might so happen that you have started your career newly, or the project is new for u, or the lead is new guy etc., in short there is something new in atmosphere. So when your lead assigns the work to you, you might do it with great deal of excitement, enthusiasm etc etc…. and u might be well praised for your hard work by your TL. In order to get the same congratulatory words or praises we keep on accepting more and more work thus sacrificing our personal life. At the max what we might get is the words “You are really doing a great Job. Keep it up”.

Here is the trap. The sentence “You are really doing a great Job. Keep it up”. Actually means “ Come on my Bakra, u r making my life a pleasure” !!!!! you might get surprised, but this is the reality. You don’t get rewarded for taking more work. Instead u will be putting yourself into trouble. What will happen is that by accepting more & more work you will be increasing the expectation level of Your lead. Imagine that on some particular day you were unable to accept the work request for some reason, and this continues for some days like that. At this point, your lead will forget all the impression u created earlier, because u are failing to meet the expectation level u had set by yourself. Meanwhile the guy who had the track record of accepting the work in certain limits i.e not more or not less will get good feedback from your boss for his consistency level. This is one of the major setbacks. You will stand as looser both in your personal life ( i.e health, relationship, career growth plan etc) and work life.

Instead, work in smart way. Accept the job keeping in mind your limits and personal and other commitments. Whatever work you do, please let your supervisor be aware of that. This will help your supervisor to know what you are doing. Don’t be afraid to reject the work for any genuine reason. And do never suppress the Genuine reason while accepting work reluctantly.

You are really doing a great Job. Keep it up” = “ Come on my Bakra,” applies in every walk of life. In home also. If your neighbor thanks you for helping him/her it actually means “ Thank god , this Bakra made my life easy”. I’ll give you guys an homework, please recollect the incidents in your life where anyone has thanked you profusely for helping them. Just look whether the above analogy can be applied on them. Please exclude your near and dear ones like close friends, parents etc from this. Because it is mutual help that exists there.

I know its too early for me to comment about the software work life now ( I’m just 1year + 1 month old in this industry). I’m open to all critics. All kind of comments to correct myself is duly welcomed.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I wish each and everyone a happy Ganesh Chaturthi. May the Lord Ganesha remove all the obstacles, problems from our life in coming year.

I had been to our community’s (GSB) Convention centre Dwaraknath Bhavan in Bangalore where our Mutt will celebrate the festival by keeping Ganapathi for 5 days. Too good to watch the celebration, excitement and happiness in the atmosphere there. Not frequently will these kind of celebration happen there. Only selected few festivals we celebrate well and Ganesha chaturthi is one among them. So many people were gathered at the place that my eyes were jst rolling to every corner it is allowed.

Whenever I go to such places, I never get frustrated by the long queue for Prasad or lunch or anything. I’ll be jst looking at people or will be chanting hymn and will be moving with the queue. I have so many experiences to share with regarding this rush and queue at public places. I will mention a couple of them here. Once during dasara festival in Mysore myself and my friends had gone to the Dasara exhibition. There was this Laser show organized that day and after strolling in the exhibition grounds for some hours we came across the place where the laser show was about to start. There was some technical hitch because of which the show was getting delayed. We were standing at the last in that rush there, my friend Holla was not happy and was looking for a chance to go front. To his luck there was an announcement saying somebody called Kiran is needed at the backstage, this idiot Holla dint thought for a second and started cutting thru the rush saying loudly “ Ramesh, myself Kiran here, I’m struck in this audience rush. Mahesh and suresh are also with me here… we are coming there.. wait…” he held my hand started pulling me thru the crowd, I pulled my another friend. Holla meanwhile kept repeating the lines and within fraction of seconds we were at the very front, jst next to stage !!! man I could never forget this.

Today also I imitated the same idea partially here. Ma and father were standing way ahead in the long queue for Prasad. The idea struck my brain and I just asked excuse from people saying “ yes mom, coming… wait, stay there… don’t come back… “ and started to move forward in rush, people thought I’m gonna talk to my ma over some urgent issue and dint mind to let me move ahead of them!! I just enjoyed it….

You need to do such crazy stuff to have some thrill and fun in life.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Such an irregular blogger I’m. Entering a post after 3 days. Thank you Tata Indicom for giving such a wonderful Internet service which will not be available at the night when it is most needed, the lazy soul inside me will always be greatful to you for allowing it to sleep early.

Disclaimer : This Post is exclusively for the audience who belong to fixed salary Class like me and who have just started to earn. Any resemblance with the reader is highly appreciated and the author would be glad to receive the review for this post from them.
All My-Dad-is-rich-businessman people’s son, please don’t waste your time in reading this if you have come to this page by googling for something else.

Guys ( and gals, please no controversy here), when you go to purchase any Electronic Gadget like Mobile, iPod etc, have you ever felt like some new voice talking exclusively to you? The voice will always be saying “ You have to pay so much for such a small plastic+metallic piece?, think again vishwas, see whether mom or dad will sponsor. This will eat your hard earned money dude, what are you doing? Gone mad or what?”

Our dream of buying that cute new electronic device becomes foolishness all of sudden. What’s more, it will even fall to the level of “plastic+metallic piece” from “cute new electronic device”. Not only that, if you can recollect you’ll realize that your brain will be working like a super fast computer calculating the Pros and cons of either buying or not buying the device. So much so that within fraction of seconds your duffer dumb brain (like how you’ll be scolding it when it finds difficult to answer something in exam, or not help you in doing fast calculation when really needed) would be ready to do a MS power point presentation inside your tiny head with all the permutation and combination, probabilities,(you name the toughest maths topics and it’ll do) of going for different model which is comparatively cheaper, or even not to buy the device at all. My brain even goes one step further to show me the snapshot of my bank balance after purchasing the device in internet banking. Simply put, I can say like this, the brain will be occupied by the spirit of the brain of any dead mathematical genius.

Now for all of my friends who agree with the above listed symptoms, please relax. Just remember one thing that “nothing in this world will last forever”. Even we won’t last forever. So if you feel a great desire to buy that dream device from a long time, please go for it. Because I’m sure every one of us would’ve come to the decision of buying the device after lots of thinking. What goes wrong is that we will have wrong info that it would be available for damn cheap cost. I still remember my case when I recently went to Apple istore to buy the iPod Nano. All my idiot friends around me told me that it won’t be more than 4 or 5k. And to add to my bad fortune, I was not able to find the cost of it in Indian Rupees in any website. So I just decided to pay a visit finally after thinking for many days. Gosh! It was 7k man. But I was already so deeply obsessed with it that I could hardly drag my feet towards the door. Finally I buyed it. But believe me, every moment I look at my Pod, I feel so special. I become happy that I buyed this with my own money after 1year of slogging my skin off in office. Down the future, our taste won’t remains same. We will hardly find time to even purchase these stuffs. These won’t look anything more than just a toy for us then. So really I feel happy on investing in going with my dream and buying that now.

Hope this would have tried to put an end to the endless question your brain is throwing at you.