Tuesday, April 14, 2009

aimless blog

We should not think a lot before doing anything !!!!!

Well if you are surprised about the sentence, here I provide the facts to support it. I strongly believe that even you will have a couple of instances to add to this after going thru this blog.

Ok, before going somewhere deep down the memory line and dig out some “once-upon-a-time” incidence, I will give a simple example to support my top statement. The evening I came frm office to home, I was in no mood to spend my time constructively in reading for my certification. And as I always wish, today also I thought I would utilize the time to write the blog instead. But I don’t know why, from morning itself I am not at all able to concentrate on what I do and say. I am not 100% present physically and mentally in whatver I did. So when I sat in front of my PC, I just opened some browsers, surfed some stuff, opened my office mails, closed-nothing of which is proper usage of time. I was not even interested to write the blog also finally.

But only good thing that I could do was to read some of the finest blogs today. Written by professional bloggers. That was worth reading.

I recently came to know about the fact that I don’t have any hobby of recently. When I was in high school I used to collect rare coins, a hobby called as – Numismatics. But now, though I’ve not stopped it, I’m also not looking for the new sources for rare coins. So it has a kind of become stagnant. Well I realised this fact a few days ago when I had called my friend to meet him on weekend. He told me that he has started a new hobby – Guitar. And he has to attend a class to learn it. I started making fun of him saying that why don’t you develop some distinct hobby? This guitar has become so common that any lazy S/w engineer (I don’t know why the Tag “engineer” is attached to the softare professionals. We really don’t engineer anything in our job.) on this earth will “PROUDLY” say that his hobby his playing Guitar. To this, he asked me one simple question – “what is your hobby dude?”. I had no good answer to offer him and so decided to change the topic.

Well to end this aimless and direction less blog, let me mention a fact about democracy. If anyone asks me what is the difference between democracy and Monarchy(I had to google to find out this word) the answer I will give is that “Democracy, for every 5 years will offer you to choose the devil who will rule you, whereas the Monarchy will not give you this option and you have to wait for the ruler of nieghbouring place to come and attack your place and win it for change in governance”. Why I wrote this? Oh yeah I remember - “Elections are round the corner. So please vote for your next devil. Later on don’t cry that you wanted a different devil to rule and ruin you”.

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