Thursday, July 16, 2009

little steps

I had an opportunity to go thru many forwards today which created sort of multiple thoughts in my mind. If I had gone to bed without allowing it to come out, I would have missed another opportunity to realize my potential to think on some thing substantial.

“Faith dog” – a dog which has only two legs and can still walk like a human. Yes, sounds unbelievable but true. When it was born, the owner of the dog decided to put it to “permanent sleep”. But god had some thing great in store for it. The dog was buyed by another owner who decided to name it as faith and made up a goal which none of us could ever think in our dreams – “Teach it how to walk”. Of course she had to struggle for good 6months to make it learn that. But now her effort has been paid off. The dog walks like any normal human without any slightest difficulty. The owner has left the teaching job to be with the dog and take it out all the day. The dog has already appeared in various TV shows and also about to come in Harry potter movie. What it proves flatly is -“Nothing is impossible”

In another instance I saw in TV program that a young handicap boy who has congenital defect of calcium deficiency. All his bones were very brittle when he was born and hence suffered multiple fractures even by a gentle touch. But her mother was not ready to give up. She nurtured her kid and also taught him how to read and write. He can now lie down on floor and write. He can also read quran in Arabic language.

I don’t want to say that we are no match compared to them. My ma tells that such handicap people will be gifted some extraordinary thing by god. I don’t say that we don’t have such thing with us. We have to realise it. Just small approach towards something will help us to reach the aim. So what is important is the aim and then the work towards it. Yes this is what I wanted to understand from those two instances. None of them got the end results by miracle. The lady had to teach the dog every day for 6months and the mother had to take immense care of the kid who would get hurt just by a touch. What went in their advantage is the aim and the little constant steps towards that aim. We will realise our gift only if we follow the similar approach. Little steps towards the aim actually is the key to open that gift.

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