Long time after I’m visiting my blog page. Nice to be here. Nice to c my thoughts being penned down and collected stored and preserved safely.
Yesterday, two things happened worth to be mentioned here.
We buyed the microwave Oven atlast. It was a long cherished dream (well…. 3 Months Old to be precise) to own a MW oven. Finally after ransacking my pocket and looting the precious hard earned money of 5 grands from it, and adding another 5.8 grands to it from my ma’s treasury, we got one beautiful SAMSUNG Convection + MW oven. Feels good to see that in Kitchen(with same amount of bad feeling when I look at my bank balance). I tried and experimented a bit on it till 11 in night.
One more thing was that we went to watch this Dance jatre at chitrakala parishat near Hotel Ashoka. Man, such an absolute beauty it was. The way they performed group dance was absolute brilliance. I was so spellbound that I was just standing there without even tilting my neck to any directing even by minutest angle that can be recorded by any sophisticated device on earth. Really, I’m not exaggerating this. What you can learn from that group dance performance is that, the tuffest part in life is to learn team work. You can be a master in any art. Performing that solo is very different than group performance. This applies to all aspects of our life. Take any minor to major examples in life, you will be really surprised to find that it applies to all of them. That too what amazed me a lot is that none of them were looking at each other while dancing, still such a sync was there between all of them!!!!!!!!!! This is really heights I would say. For a person like me who was bought up by just studies, fun etc., I seriously felt that I could have tried my hands on any similar art like this.
The programme has left a huge impact on my mind. Really I’ve decided to watch such kind of stuff in future whenever I get a chance. Let me enjoy the art if not practice it and learn the virtues from it.
Well last but not the least, the day ended with me roasting some peanuts in the new oven. Yum it was. And I was issued a notice by the honorable Judge “Ms. MA” of the supreme court of our House that, from here onwards I should cook the rice whenever her majesty is out on some work. Otherwise the punishment would be no food for that day!!!!!
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