I wish all the engineers of the nation a very Happy engineers day. Today it is the 148th birthday of the renowned engineer of the World Sir. M.V Vishveshwaraiah.
Today when I was having the bath in the morning, I thought of discussing about the topic disadvantage due to the improvement in Science & Tech. But the circumstances in today’s life of mine has made me to change it. Instead I will be discussing about the Love, Relations and friendship.
The main problem I always face while writing is “where to start?”. Its not that I don’t get point to start with, I get too many of them to start in a right direction. But I’ve to start from somehwhere.
Man is symbiotic creature. He cant exist and live life all alone. To share happiness, grief, thoughts, incidents etc he need to have friends, relatives, near and dear ones. In our life we meet so many people. Out of them, some just come and go. Some stay in touch in your life through some or other means. And some people will touch your heart, gain your faith, trust, love and remain in touch forever in life. It is the crystal clear friendship without any impurity in it. Why these people become so close to us is because they strike chord somewhere with us. It might be the similarity in lifestyle, thoughts, kind of thinking etc. or may be the similarity in background, or likings etc. we are ready to help them to our max possible extent. And in turn we get from them any help we need.
In the course of life we might come across some situation which will be a exam/test for such a flawless relationship. The question in that exam is only one and carries full marks. And the question is “Will the people involved in this relationship try to come out of this problem/misunderstanding and able to move forward?”. Its common to have situations where we wil have misunderstandings. Why we have such misunderstandings? Simple reason : “Expectation”. We will take the friends/relatives for granted. It is not something which we do intentionally. It happens without our awareness. We will start assuming that whatever we say/do will not affect the other person. But that is not the case always.(Remember the DCH? Misunderstanding between Aamir and akshaye khanna).
Not only misunderstandings. Sometimes it is the time which plays spoil sport. U might approach your dear ones at wrong moment of time, when he is upset or busy. And instead of trying to understand his/her situation, we feel bad for not having received right kind of response that you used to receive always. The need of hour here is to just let the time pass without thinking anything about the matter. Absorb your mind in some work and forget that such a thing actually happened at all. Because the more deep you think about the thing, the more negative thoughts you get and finally it wil not help anyone of us.
actually i would say that Misunderstandings give us the opportunity to show the Love towards each other. it is good to get them often so as to build a flawless Relaationship.
Compromise is key for long lasting relationship. If you think that there was no fault of yours and he should appologise, it is absolute egoism. Please do come out of it. Because the near and dear ones of you wouldn’t have been so close to you if they were so bad or cruel as you might think. Relationships are hard to build but easy to loose. And the foundation stone for long lasting relationship is “COMPROMISE”.
I got this SMS fwd from my friend jst a few mins ago before I started to scribble this post ( which really pushed me to write this) “ No heart in this world is Crystal clear, because all of them are scribbled by near and dear ones”. So cute. It means everyone is hurt by his/her near and dear ones atleast once in life.!!!
Now for my piece of thought-
“To misunderstand is to show the Love”
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